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Me at a Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament
Courtesy of Tiny Melee Photography

Hey, what's up? I'm Rodney. I'm a software engineer, fully engrossed in the world of software. From full-stack web development to the steel industry to machine learning to the internet of things (IoT) and many other areas—I've worked on a variety of different types and domains of software projects. Ultimately, I enjoy solving interesting and difficult problems and software is a phenomenal avenue that enables me to do it!

A picture of me as a 6 year old who's mildly amused, with frayed hair that goes halfway down my forhead, sporting a plaid shirt and glasses with circular lenses. Holding up an item in a plastic package with text that indicates that the item is a GameCube with a Game Boy catridge slot.
Ecstatic about my first GameCube

Ever since I was young I've had a fascination with dissecting software. Starting out with spending my free time grinding for optimal play in video games. Moving into creating some video game mods in high school. Then—on a whim—choosing to study software in undergrad; finding something I really enjoy in the process and graduating at the top of my class. Software has even weaseled its ways into my hobbies. Alongside improving my soft and software skills, I play competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee semi-professionally. I'm ranked 1st in Indiana often and have remained in the top 3 players across the years for the game. In short, I love the kind of thinking that software—in all its forms—brings to my life.

A condensed collection of quotes from a past annual review by my peers.

Rodney is not only a great team member, but he's motivated to making the best decision for the application he is working on AND making sure everyone else in the team understands why he believes it is the best decision. He was never satisfied with just 'complete' and the work also had to be exceptional.
Rodney was not only excellent to have on a team, but he made me feel valued as a team member in ways no other team I've been on has been able to do. I consider him not only an amazing co-worker I hope to work with again, but a good friend.
Rodney's focus on long-term solutions and design patterns has greatly improved the software that he has worked on. The software is easier for developers to work in and has improved the reliability of the software.
Rodney wasn't just satisfied with writing good code that worked: he wanted it to be readable, performant, and made sure the other devs on the team had an input on it. He was never the kind of developer who thought he knew what was best and ignored the input from others.
Rodney does a good job at understanding objectives and is not afraid to reach out for help when there needs to be greater clarity around an objective.
Rodney is very sharp and has a lot of attention to details. He also has a high standard for the quality of code that gets produced.

Software Engineer

Core BTS | Fort Wayne, Indiana
June 01, 2021Present ~ 3 Years 8 Months
  • Employed via acquisition of my former organization (Aptera)

Software Developer

Aptera | Fort Wayne, Indiana
January 01, 2021June 01, 2021 ~ 5 Months

Associate Software Developer

Aptera | Fort Wayne, Indiana
April 15, 2020January 01, 2021 ~ 9 Months

Software Developer Intern

Aptera | Fort Wayne, Indiana
May 06, 2019April 15, 2020 ~ 11 Months
Purdue University Fort Wayne

Purdue University Fort Wayne

 Fort Wayne, Indiana

 Graduated May 2021

 BS in Computer ScienceConcentration on Software Engineering

 Minor in Mathematics

 4.0/4.0 GPAGraduated with "Highest Distinction"

 Awarded best senior capstone project of the year by faculty and peers. Our 5 person team developed a web application called "The Deep Learning Sandbox." The project utilizes deep learning (a subfield of machine learning/artificial intelligence) with the goals of:

  • enticing people to get interested in computer science via K–12 outreach programs that use our application
  • identifying the advantages and limitations of deep learning
  • learning and utilizing the latest deep learning technologies

Ivy Tech Community College

Ivy Tech Community College

 Fort Wayne, Indiana

 Graduated December 2017

 AS in Software Development

 3.9/4.0 GPA

Programming Languages

  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Java
  • Python
  • C

Other Languages

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SCSS
  • SQL


  • ReactJS
  • ASP.NET Core
  • GatsbyJS
  • Blazor


  • Test-Driven Development
  • Test Doubles (Moq, Jest, React Testing Library)
  • Unit Testing (XUnit, Jest)
  • End-to-End Testing (Cypress, Canopy)
  • Integration Testing

Software Architecture

  • SOLID Design Principles from Robert C. Martin
  • Design Patterns from The Gang of Four
  • Cohesion & Coupling from Structured Design
  • Layered Architecture
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC)
  • Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)

Process Experience

  • Agile
  • Scrum
  • Scrumban
  • Pairing/Mobbing


  • Responsive Web Design
  • Fundamental Principles of Interaction from Don Norman
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
  • Adobe XD

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